CRT Posting

Feb 17th 2025

Alright so recently as in like 3 weeks ago I got probably the most sought after piece of Yu-Gi-Oh! media I've ever wanted and its all 7 tapes of the original Toei anime! Yes I am missing the movie but that will have to come later, for now I'm just happy with the fact I have them all and they all work and look great.

Aside from that I've been messing with RetroBar and managed to make what I like to think of as peak 2006-07 era Yu-Gi-Oh fan desktop
I found out our old Sanyo CRT from the early 2000s was still alive, most likely has capacitors that need replacing but for now it works with minor problems (one being everything is in black and white until refreshed either via switching inputs or reseating the video cable, but I got some good pictures from my n64!
Also throw in a Cloud FF7 from my childhood save that was not safe from W-Item duping.